Enhanced Security for High-Value and Sensitive Transport

Enhance the Protection of Your Valuables in Transit with Our Advanced In-Vehicle Predictive Security System.

Real-Time Automated Analysis and Alerts

Automated Preventive Transportation Protection

Are you aware if your transport is being followed?


X•Protected continuously and automatically monitors whether a specific vehicle or group of vehicles is following your transportation. We provide automated alerts at high speeds and over long distances.

It provides comprehensive protection against unwanted surveillance with built-in automatic preventive alert capabilities so you can proactively deter potential threats.

X•Protected by X•Aware is a highly accurate predictive security solution that automatically alerts the crew and operator in the control room when a potential threat is detected and recognized.

Predictive & Preventive Transportation Protection

  • The X•Protected system automatically recognizes when a transportation is being followed.
  • Automatically detect when a transport truck is unwantedly observed when parked idling.
  • Receive automatic alerts when potential threats are frequently detected at checkpoints.
  • Discover and track suspicious static and dynamic surveillance activity around your vehicles.
  • Including the X•Aware app for mobile and tablet for in the vehicle with interesting Safety features.

Accurate Automated Preventive Alerts

Naturally, you always want the highest possible results and the lowest possible false positives.

To minimize the number of false positives you as a company has the ability to deploy static X•Protected Sensor Systems (Sets) at overnight parking locations.

The first few minutes after leaving the building, the Crew has the opportunity to perform a whitelist scan.

During a ride or stationary moments, the Control Room Operator has the option to validate certain detections and recognitions.

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Predictive CVIT Protection

As an account owner, you have the ability to link an unlimited number of vehicles and select preset scenarios per vehicle or set of vehicles.


These scenarios ensure that when certain patterns are recognized, an alarm is sent to the Crew and Operator in the Control Room.

Predictive, actionable alerts are sent based on automated pattern recognition. Each actionable warning consists of a highly accurate predictive threat level with essential information.

Easily select pre-set or create your own scenarios, and increase the preventive protection of your CVIT vehicles, assets and crew against potential violent violence and robberies.


Contact us and learn more!

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Cash In Transit Protection Technology ?

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