Predictive & Preventive Protection

Enhance Your Client’s Security  ─ with automated threat alerting.

Automatically  Detect  Potentially  Threats  while being on the move.

Receive automatic real-time alerts when
recognizing invisible, distant and forthcoming
potential threats.

Predictive Protection   +
Invisible Patterns Collection

X•Protected — Automatic Counter Surveillance + Anti Stalking 

Technology designed for Close Executive Protection

Benefit from Highly Accurate Predictive Security Technology
within the Physical World

Receive automatic real-time alerts when identifying stalkers
and other potential threats  that are out of your line of sight

Receive automatic real-time alerts when
recognizing invisible, distant and forthcoming
potential threats.

Automatically detect potential threats moving around your clients, unnoticed


while simultaneously receiving actionable insights and alerts.

Anti & Counter Surveillance Detection Technology for Close Protection

Preventive ─ Dynamic, Static and On the Move ─ Protection

Receive automatic alerts when recognizing “invisible” potential threats.

  • Automatically receive real-time alerts when potential threats approach your client’s family or assets, whether at home or traveling.
  • Gain intelligence into unauthorized objects moving around or approaching your client’s property.
  • Gather critical, potentially life-saving insights on a suspect’s known associates and close network.
  • Recognize blacklisted objects and groups from a distance before they approach your client’s property.

Operate with more intelligence.

  • Increased preventive protection
  • Recognize patterns of movements
  • Discover deviations in patterns
  • Identify unrecognizable objects
  • Prediction of potential intrusions
  • Be aware of threats while traveling
  • Automated Correlation + Recognition 

Next-Level - Intelligent Close + Asset Protection

With our X•Protected ‘On the Move’ System, you and your client are constantly aware and automatically alerted if being followed while traveling or driving.

─ Enhancing Your Client’s Close and Asset Protection.

Automatically correlating data and recognizing patterns, the system sends alerts to your team or control room with detailed intelligence about potential threats or suspicious activities detected near your client(s).

X•Protected ─ On the Move System

Automated Location + Vehicle Correlation System

  • Automatically receive an alert when there is a correlation between a detection of an ‘unknown object’ at multiple locations and vehicles.
  • Recognize when your clients and assets are being tracked while traveling, staying in hotels, or attending appointments on location.
  • Remotely monitor multiple locations and vehicles simultaneously. With predictive and actionable alerting capabilities to proactively deter potential threats.

X•Protected can be deployed at properties, on property routes, in vehicles, and in backpacks.


Offering a highly flexible solution for capturing both visible and invisible intelligence.


It provides 360° situational awareness in any environment, and at any given moment.

Anti Surveillance + Increased Protection
at Home

Receive early warnings when unauthorized objects move towards your property.

Identify unrecognizable suspects even when wearing a hoodie, mask or balaclava.

Recognizing hitherto invisible connections in the first, second or third layer.

Minimize the overlooking of information due to camera blind and white spots.

Discover when correlated objects and suspects suddenly move around your loved ones.

Prevent potential robberies when being at home and the alarm system is disabled.

X•Protected – an extra layer of Close Protection for you and your loved ones.

Would you like to know more about our cutting-edge Static Anti & Counter Surveillance Sensor Box?

Contact us for a Live Demonstration   ►►

Would you like to know more about our cutting-edge Dynamic Anti & Counter Surveillance Sensor Box?

Contact us for a Live Demonstration   ►►

Counter Surveillance + Increased Protection

Discover when you or your loved ones are being followed while being on the move.

Determine if a specific vehicle is following you.

Gain insight into when vehicles are being switched.

Recognize when you are being observed unseen during travel, in hotels and meetings.

Receive real-time alerts on your smartphone and dashboard when the system recognizes that you are being followed.

With a probability percentage and corresponding alarm messages at threat level.

Combine the X•Protected Static and Dynamic Sets for optimal actionable intelligence.

Learn More

Let us get back to you with more information
on how  X•Protected  can contribute to your
existing Close & Executive Protection Services