How It Works

Please scroll down to explore examples of how X•Protected can be deployed.


Below, you’ll find demonstrations of the system automatically recognizing and identifying hidden potential threats.

Automatically Recognize Threats

The System immediately alerts you, your team or the control room when it recognizes object detection correlations between different X•Protected Sets. Several preset scenarios are available and you have the option to personalize scenarios.

Recognizing Invisible Patterns

The System deciphers invisible patterns into visible patterns. At the same time, these patterns are processed, correlated and translated into valuable intelligence.


This makes it possible to identify 1st and 2nd layer connections, so that any suspicious activity can be recognized even faster. In the (explanatory) animation below, you can see how the system makes connections between unknown and previously detected objects.

Unwanted Surveillance Detection

The System automatically recognizes when you are being followed unnoticed. It uses RF technology allowing it to identify pursuers up to 300 > 9.000 feet away. Even when there are other vehicles (trailers, trucks, jeeps, SUVs, sedans, motorcycles, etc.) in between.
Optionally, the System can be expanded to recognize pursuers who change vehicles. The (explanatory) animation below represents that a vehicle follows the client over one or more days.

Travel & Transportation Protection

The system recognizes when you are being unknowingly watched, even when you are travelling. There is no need to enter data manually, the system adapts in real time based on the information collected based on Adaptive Learning.


The (explanatory) animation below explains various use cases, which can also be combined.