Automated Detection for Unwanted Surveillance

Receive Early Warnings when unknown or unwanted objects move around and towards a property.

The system autonomously detects unknown, unauthorized, and blacklisted objects, even those out of line of sight, approaching or surrounding the property.

X•Protected is an intelligent surveillance detection solution that safeguards
against unwanted surveillance and alerts you to deter potential threats.

Autonomous Anti Surveillance + Threat Detection

Intelligent ─ Single and Multi-Property Protection with Static and Dynamic Sensor Systems.

Based on automatic correlations, pattern recognition and smart algorithms, the system recognizes potential threats very accurately.

You have the option to place the two Static Sensor Boxes anywhere around your property, or divide them between two properties.

Plug & Play. No training required.


Add an extra layer of “anti-surveillance + threat detection” to your existing protection within a day.

X•Protected operates completely autonomously. It learns and adapts in real time based on the information it collects. 


Naturally, the system allows you to blacklist specific “objects” to improve the system’s alerting capabilities.

Advanced Preventive Early Warning System

  • Receive early warnings when unauthorized objects move towards your client’s property.
  • Identify unrecognizable suspects even when wearing a hoodie, mask or balaclava.
  • Recognizing hitherto invisible connections in the first, second or third layer.
  • Minimize missing information due to camera blind- and white spots.
  • Discover when correlated objects and known associates move around your client’s family.
  • Prevent violent robberies when your client’s family is alone at home and the alarm system is disabled.
  • Increase your Preventive Protection.

You are most vulnerable when your alarm system is disabled at home. With X•Protected, your remote monitoring team automatically detects potential threats approaching your property.

Learn more about our ► Continuous and Automated Anti Surveillance + Threat Detection technology.

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Close & Executive Protection Services.